
Her Boyfriend Has A Super High IQ And Constantly Corrects Her Or Calls Her Stupid

She has actually sobbed in front of her boyfriend before while stating his words hurt her, but his critiques never let up.

“I’ve shamefully gotten angry over it and yelled in defense, and I have also had heartfelt talks about it,” she said.

“I’ve even asked him to back off the remarks and give me a break because I’m sensitive. I’ve told him he doesn’t need to always correct me and tell me when I’m wrong that sometimes he can let me [mess] up for myself.”

In an effort to calm herself down, she always maintains that her boyfriend loves her and she should not take this part of his personality personally, but that doesn’t help her any.

Her boyfriend’s remarks are beginning to chip away at her self-esteem, and she’s worried he may be manipulating her in some way.

“Is anyone dating someone with a high IQ and can relate?” she wondered. “Is it manipulation? I just need to talk to someone who understands.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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