
Her Boyfriend Has A Super High IQ And Constantly Corrects Her Or Calls Her Stupid

Volodymyr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a boyfriend who boasts a super high IQ. He’s actually a card-carrying member of Mensa.

To be part of Mensa, you have to score in the highest 2% of society on an intelligence test, which means you score a minimum of 132. The average IQ score is around 100, in case you were curious.

So, this woman and her Mensa man have been dating for a year, and they have had a lot of problems pop up along the way, which all comes down to her boyfriend’s intelligence.

“I truly love my boyfriend and feel he does too, and we had an instant connection,” she explained.

“However, due to his high IQ, he corrects me constantly. It’s to the point I had to tell him he has told me I’ve done something wrong five times, just today, and it’s not even 5 p.m.”

“He tells me to stop doing things incorrectly, and he won’t have to correct me. He has also called me stupid numerous times.”

He will refer to her as having blonde moments or behaving in a way that’s silly. She thinks he has to be right since he’s the one who’s technically smarter.

But she finds his words hurtful and has tried to bring this up to him many times, in different ways, hoping to get her point across. It doesn’t matter if she’s lighthearted or brought to tears in the moment; he still doesn’t get it.

It’s taking a negative toll on her mental health to be faced with so much criticism from someone who’s supposed to love her.

Volodymyr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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