Categories: Weddings

Her Best Friend Expects A Wedding Gift Worth $1,000, So Now She’s Considering Skipping The Nuptials Because She Simply Can’t Afford That

Katharina Buczek

“Sarah said it would reflect poorly on me if I didn’t contribute significantly, as she’s seen others give expensive gifts,” she revealed.

Her friend’s remark made her feel super uncomfortable, too, which is why she’s actually considering not attending the wedding now to avoid any more awkwardness.

“But I feel torn between wanting to support my friend and being honest about my financial situation,” she vented.

This has since left her wondering if skipping the nuptials simply because she can’t satisfy her friend’s gift expectations would be reasonable or not.

Is it fair to expect presents worth a specific amount from guests, or should people be able to gift whatever they can? How would you feel in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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