
He Wants To Divorce His Wife After She Seriously Said She’d Save Their Dog’s Life Over His In The Event Of A House Fire

An incident just one week ago, though, completely changed everything for him. It all began when he and his wife were watching TV, and he started thinking about their past pet argument.

Then, he decided to jokingly ask his wife a hypothetical question about who she’d save in the event their home was burning down; him or their dog.

She actually didn’t even hesitate to say that she’d take the dog, and he genuinely thought she was kidding around, so he asked her to “answer for real.”

But his wife only doubled down and stated that was her real answer. And when he asked, “What if I die?” she responded, “You know I love you. I would be sad. But I have to save our baby first.”

That shocking conversation has been running through his mind nonstop for the last week now, and he’s been trying to act normal around his wife. Nonetheless, he cannot look at her the same way.

“Again, I don’t dislike animals, but she really values our dog’s life more than mine?” he vented.

They were also planning to start a family within the next couple of years, yet honestly, he’s not so sure that’s a good idea anymore.

Instead, he’s actually begun considering divorcing his wife. He just doesn’t know if he’s overreacting here.

Does it sound like his wife has been prioritizing their pet over him for a long time? Should he leave her or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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