Categories: Relationships

He Wants A Divorce Since He’s Sick Of His In-Laws Meddling In His Life While His Wife Refuses To Set Boundaries With Them

Katharina Buczek

He was getting seriously ticked off, too, and his wife was just standing there. She didn’t stick up for him at all.

“That was the moment I realized things would never change,” he admitted.

“I don’t feel like I can continue in a marriage where my feelings and boundaries are consistently ignored.”

So, once her parents were gone, he confronted his wife and claimed he wanted a divorce. She still thinks he is overreacting and is ripping their family apart.

“But I feel like I’ve been patient for years, and I can’t take it anymore,” he vented.

Does it sound like he’s stuck in a toxic situation? Would you be able to live with in-laws like that? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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