
He Smashed His Wife’s Family Heirloom After She Confessed To Cheating On Him With An Ex

CarlosBarquero - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his wife, who are both 38, have been married for 13 years now, and they have three children together.

On their five-year anniversary, his wife also gifted him a vintage mandolin – an heirloom that had been passed down in her family for generations.

“That was the most thoughtful gift anyone had ever given me, and I never loved my wife more than at that moment,” he recalled.

He even learned how to play the instrument, and every year, on her birthday, he plays two or three new songs for her.

Yet, while he thought their relationship was strong and stable, his entire perspective changed just last week – when his wife confessed to cheating on him.

Apparently, one of her exes had come to town, and she hooked up with him. While telling him the truth, she seemed genuinely remorseful, too.

“And she had no reason to confess to me, but she did,” he explained.

“She promised to give up drinking, give me access to everything, and a lot of other things. For that, I gave her credit, but it still felt earth-shattering.”

Once the cat was out of the bag, they also agreed that they wanted to make their marriage work – both for their family and because he still loved his wife.

CarlosBarquero – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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