
He Said His Wife Needs To Go To A Mental Asylum After She Asked His Sister To Dress More Modestly Around Him

“I was shocked and told my sister to relax and that I would speak to my wife about it.”

Once he approached his wife about this, though, it caused an argument. Apparently, his wife didn’t have a tight-knit relationship with her brother. In fact, she simply hated her sibling.

That’s why his wife was having trouble understanding how he and his sister could be so close, as well as why they felt comfortable dressing so casually around each other.

He tried to explain how, throughout their childhood, he and his sister always wore casual clothes around the house. For instance, up until he left for college, he’d often walk around wearing just shorts without a shirt on.

“And I asked my wife what was so inappropriate about my sister wearing an oversized shirt,” he added.

Unfortunately, she still didn’t get where he was coming from and kept pushing – insinuating that his sister could at least put some shorts on.

At that point, he’d had enough and kind of snapped at his wife. More specifically, he told her that she needed to go to a “mental asylum” and accused her of ruining their getaway by acting totally crazy.

“That was a bit harsh,” he admitted, “But that did put a stop to our argument.”

Despite his wife seeming upset right afterward, she also seemed to get over it and enjoy the rest of their travels. Even so, in the wake of what happened, he’s not sure if calling his wife out was the best way to handle this situation.

Is it strange that his wife asked his sister that or not? How would you have reacted in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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