
He Exposed His Best Friend For Cheating On His Girlfriend And Getting A Coworker Pregnant, And Now He’s Getting Blamed For Ruining His Friend’s Life

Apparently, his best friend wanted help convincing Jenny not to keep the baby – mainly because Matt didn’t want Sarah to find out about the affair. Plus, Matt actually hinted about possibly leaving town to avoid any fallout.

At that point, keeping his best friend’s cheating a secret became too big a weight to bear.

That’s why, the next time he ran into Sarah at a mutual friend’s art gallery opening, he decided to tell her everything.

When he initially ran into her, he tried to act as if he didn’t even see her. But Sarah walked right up to him, and eventually, she actually asked if Matt was planning to propose soon.

This question completely caught him off guard, and he asked why she would think that.

Sarah proceeded to detail how she’d brought the topic of marriage up to Matt recently, who started acting awkwardly. This pushed her to assume that he was already planning to propose to her.

“I felt a rush of guilt, and I knew I couldn’t keep the secret any longer,” he recalled.

“I pulled Sarah aside and told her everything – Matt’s affair, Jenny’s pregnancy, the entire mess.”

Obviously, Sarah was heartbroken, and she quickly left the art gallery event. Later that same night, he also received a furious call from Matt. He found out that Sarah had confronted his best friend about the cheating and ended their relationship.

“Jenny was also threatening to go public, adding to the chaos. And Matt blamed me entirely, saying I’d ruined his life and our friendship,” he said.

Since then, the rest of their friend group has found out about all of this drama, too, and they’re all divided.

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