
He Exposed His Best Friend For Cheating On His Girlfriend And Getting A Coworker Pregnant, And Now He’s Getting Blamed For Ruining His Friend’s Life

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his best friend, Matt, have been close ever since they were back in high school. Matt has also had a girlfriend named Sarah for around two years now.

He and Sarah first met when they both were invited to a barbecue at Matt’s house, and they immediately hit it off.

“Sarah was friendly and easy to talk to, and we quickly became friends over shared interests. She’s genuinely kind and supportive, and I’ve never seen Matt happier than when he’s with her,” he explained.

Yet, a couple of months ago, he realized that his best friend was behaving weirdly. All of a sudden, Matt became distant, was constantly on his phone, and began canceling plans at the very last minute.

In the beginning, he wrote it off as stress at work or perhaps some relationship issues with Sarah.

However, when Matt asked him for a ride home one night after a party, the truth finally came tumbling out.

While his best friend was drunk and visibly upset, Matt abruptly confessed to cheating on Sarah with a coworker named Jenny from his office. Then, Matt claimed that he felt “trapped” in his relationship and was supposedly using Jenny to “escape.”

He was begged to keep the infidelity a secret, and he couldn’t help but feel both surprised and conflicted. Even so, he wanted to respect Matt’s privacy and hoped that he would come clean himself.

Well, from here, things only got worse. Just a few weeks later, Matt approached him in a panic and revealed how his coworker, Jenny, was pregnant and wanted to have their child.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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