
He Doesn’t Want To Invite His Ex-Wife To His Daughter’s Birthday Party Because He’s Worried About Stirring Up Old Issues Or Making The Celebration Awkward

His family has backed him on this, too, and claimed that the birthday party should be about Emily – not his or Sarah’s past.

Regardless, he’s worried about what his daughter will think and if she’ll be upset that her mom isn’t present.

“I want to make sure the day is perfect for her, and I’m torn between wanting to avoid conflict and making sure Emily has both her parents there,” he vented.

He has not yet made his final decision, as he genuinely doesn’t know what to do.

Some of his friends have since urged him to invite his ex-wife to mitigate any potential resentment; meanwhile, others said not inviting Sarah would keep the day as uncomplicated as possible.

All of the differing opinions have left him wondering whether declining to extend an invitation to his ex-wife would make him a jerk or not.

Do you think his daughter’s feelings are most important, given it’s her birthday party? Should he talk to her before excluding her mother from the celebration?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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