
He Doesn’t Want To Go On Another Trip With His Wife’s Parents This Year Because Their Family Vacations Are Always More Stressful Than Relaxing

Lyndon S/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, then you’ve probably gone away on a trip with your partner’s family at least once. When you reminisce about that getaway, was it truly relaxing?

Some people have a tough time chilling out while traveling with their in-laws and don’t even really view it as a “vacation” at all.

This 40-year-old man is in the same boat, which is why he doesn’t want to go on yet another trip with his wife’s parents this year.

He and his wife Sarah, who is 38, have been married for eight years, and throughout their relationship, her parents have been a huge part of their lives.

“They’re nice people,” he said, “But spending time with them in large doses can be exhausting for me.”

It doesn’t help that every single year, his in-laws decide to plan a week-long vacation. And his wife expects him to join them again on the latest getaway they’re planning.

However, he was genuinely not interested in going, which is why he tried to be honest with Sarah.

“I told her I’m refusing to go because I need a break from these family trips,” he recalled.

Well, his wife didn’t get that and just became upset. It’s very important to her that they all travel as one family unit and spend some quality time together.

Lyndon S/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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