
He Divorced His Wife For Cheating, But Now She’s About To Be Homeless, And Their Daughter Wants Him To Help

Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Two years ago, this 45-year-old man ended things with his 45-year-old wife, Thelma, after being married for 20 years.

He knows he is far from a perfect person, but he did his best to be a great dad and husband. He also completed most of their housework while holding down a job that required 40 to 50 hours from him weekly.

“I tried to be attentive and caring, never forgetting anniversaries, birthdays, and so on,” he explained.

“I did let my body go a bit as the years went by, and I admit that I am not the most exciting guy in the world.”

“Still, I listened to my wife and did what I thought she wanted/needed to keep our marriage happy. Thelma seemed happy with me and bragged to her friends, saying I was a good husband.”

He thinks Thelma is nothing but a liar, as she cheated on him with a 30-year-old guy she met through her job.

As soon as he found out about Thelma’s infidelity, he swiftly filed for divorce and stayed calm so their 18-year-old daughter Lily wouldn’t have to suffer amid the separation.

Thelma was furious with him for not fighting for her, but ultimately, she was harmonious regarding the divorce.

The divorce happened fast, leaving Thelma with 75% of the money they saved, along with her car. He got their house, 25% of their money, an old truck, and took on all of their debt.

Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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