
He Cut Off His Friend After They Bailed On A City Trip And Left Him To Foot The Full Cost Of Their Hotel Room Alone

This understandably infuriated him, as he was left with two bad options. He could either ditch their plans as well and waste $300 – the price of the hotel room – or just go by himself.

“Which is [freaking ridiculous. Go to a city where I know no one and what, just hang out by myself?” he asked.

“I also included the fact that I don’t get my money back if I cancel the room we booked, so why should he?”

Regardless, his friend didn’t understand why he was upset and genuinely thought he shouldn’t be expected to cover anything.

“So I basically told my friend that outside of work, I don’t want to hear [anything] from him. Don’t call me, don’t text me, nothing. I want zero contact,” he vented.

Now, in the wake of this drama, he’s not sure if cutting off his friend for bailing on him like that was justified.

Have you ever had to deal with a friend who flaked? Does he have a right to be angry? How would you have reacted in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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