
He Cut Off His Friend After They Bailed On A City Trip And Left Him To Foot The Full Cost Of Their Hotel Room Alone

Max - - illustrative purposes only

You’d probably feel pretty ticked off if you booked a getaway with someone, paid for the accommodations, and got bailed on – leaving you to foot the entire bill alone.

That’s the same unfortunate situation this man has found himself in after planning a city trip with his friend.

For some context, they both wanted to attend an event in a nearby city in a few weeks. So, he decided it would make the most sense to get a big, two-bed hotel room and share it.

That way, they could both save some money as opposed to booking two entirely separate rooms.

“And I told him that since it was my idea, I’ll put it on my card, and he can reimburse me his half,” he recalled.

Before he finalized the booking, he made sure to ask his friend if he was sure about taking this trip with him, too. He also made it clear that once he reserved the room, he wouldn’t be able to get his money back.

“I [freaking] asked this dude for like two hours if he was 100% positive he would go,” he said.

Then, after getting confirmation, he officially paid for their hotel room on Tuesday at around 12:00 p.m.

Well, by the time Wednesday evening rolled around, his friend casually called him and claimed he couldn’t make it anymore. The worst part? His friend believed he shouldn’t have to pay his half of the hotel cost anymore since he wasn’t going on the trip.

Max – – illustrative purposes only

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