
He Believes His Cousin’s Wife Has Been Lying About Her Health And Faking Being Chronically Ill Because No Doctor Has Ever Found Anything Wrong With Her

“And she spends most days either with her friends or shopping, yet according to John, she still doesn’t do any housework,” he explained.

The plot thickened even more back in July, though, when John returned home from work one day, and Kate wanted to go through his phone. But his cousin was so annoyed that she asked to do that, and he wound up refusing.

This led Kate to accuse John of being a cheater, and she supposedly fainted afterward.

“Despite no medical findings, Kate has been fainting weekly since then and always conveniently on soft surfaces like the couch or mattress, which makes me think she’s faking for attention,” he detailed.

His cousin, on the other hand, is genuinely concerned about Kate’s health.

That’s why his cousin approached him last week and confided in him about the situation. He thought it was finally time to share his true thoughts on John’s wife, too.

“I told him I believed Kate was lying and faking her illness and that she needed to sort herself out,” he recalled.

Well, John was infuriated that he’d ever say that and claimed he was heartless. His cousin also stormed out following their conversation, and they still haven’t spoken.

His family has now heard about what happened as well, and some relatives are urging him to apologize to his cousin. Their reactions have made him wonder whether he was really in the wrong.

Do you agree that Kate’s situation sounds fishy? Should he have been gentler when talking to his cousin, or did his cousin need to hear it bluntly? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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