
He Asked His Girlfriend’s Sister To Pay For A $200 Bottle Of Wine She Broke During A Dinner Party And Got Called Stingy

His girlfriend’s sister swore it was a mistake and claimed that “nobody expected her to pay for things that break at family events.”

“She acted like I was the one being rude for even asking, and Sarah said it wasn’t the time or place to bring it up,” he recalled.

To keep things from becoming more awkward, he let the topic go during dinner. Later that same evening, though, he decided to talk to Sarah about the situation in private.

She actually took her sister’s side, saying it was “just wine” and that he shouldn’t have gotten so upset. He, on the other hand, pointed out how it wasn’t any old cheap wine – it cost him a lot of money.

“And Megan should be more careful, especially since she was tipsy,” he added.

Regardless, his girlfriend still believes he’s acting stingy and accused him of being ridiculous for asking Megan to cover the cost in the first place.

The rest of Sarah’s family was obviously there, too, and they all think he’s blowing the situation out of proportion.

“But I feel like Megan should take responsibility for breaking something that valuable, even if it was an accident,” he vented.

Now, with him and his girlfriend at an impasse over this, he can’t help but wonder if getting so worked up over the broken bottle of wine really was wrong.

If he got the wine as a gift for his girlfriend’s family, and they didn’t care about the bottle being broken, should he have gotten so upset? How would you have handled this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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