
He Asked His Girlfriend’s Sister To Pay For A $200 Bottle Of Wine She Broke During A Dinner Party And Got Called Stingy

polinaloves - - illustrative purposes only

This 28-year-old guy and his girlfriend Sarah, who’s 27, have been dating for around a year, and recently, he was invited to a big family dinner party at her parent’s home.

The meal was being hosted to celebrate her mother’s birthday, and he found out it was going to be a pretty formal event.

That’s why, before the dinner, he went out and bought an expensive bottle of wine as a gift for his girlfriend’s family. In total, it cost him a whopping $200.

“I’m kind of a wine enthusiast, and I wanted to make a good impression,” he said.

On the day of the party, everything started off great as well. But then, his girlfriend’s 24-year-old sister Megan apparently had one drink too many, got tipsy, and knocked over the costly bottle of wine he’d brought.

It ultimately shattered on the floor, and he was furious that $200 flew out the window like that.

Still, in his eyes, the worst part was how his girlfriend’s sister just started laughing the accident off as if it wasn’t a big deal. All Megan said was, “Oops, sorry!” before she jumped right back into another conversation.

At the time, he really didn’t want to cause a scene or anything. However, he couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

So, he confronted Megan and asked if she’d be willing to chip in at least a little bit of money toward replacing the wine. Well, rather than being apologetic or agreeing to do that, she just became super defensive.

polinaloves – – illustrative purposes only

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