
Ever Since His Wife Inherited A 7-Figure Sum, She’s Become So Entitled He’s Losing His Attraction To Her

His wife also wants him to spend the money he still has to work super hard for on all of the things she wants for her new, outlandishly expensive style of living.

For instance, his wife put $40,000 on one of their credit cards in the last six months, purchasing makeup, getting her hair done, going out to dinner with her friends, and buying things online.

“When I push back on her quitting her career just to be lazy at home and expect me to pay for all of her lavish expenditures, she immediately hits back with “I’ve done my part. I used my trust to eliminate our mortgage. You should be thanking me,” he added.

“She acts as if her use of this trust that she was gifted is somehow this heroic symbol of her generosity and hard-fought contribution to our lives.”

His wife behaves like she has had to live through many hardships in order to get her money, and he somehow owes her for the remainder of his life.

Not only is his wife wildly arrogant, but she no longer wants to communicate with him in a healthy way.

If he tries to address being responsible with their finances, his wife brings up how she made it possible for them to not have a mortgage, and she throws her trust in his face, too.

“Additionally, it’s destroying my attraction to her,” he added. “I’m not turned on by someone whose only ambition in life is to be a lazy piece of [junk] and watch Bravo all day and shop online.”

“Seriously, I’m the one who also does the dishes, our laundry, house maintenance, coordinating literally every adult task, pay[ing] the bills, etc. She’ll vacuum, but that’s it. She doesn’t even go to the gym or go out and enjoy the outdoors.”

“It’s just Bravo, online shopping, and dining out. Hence, I truly fear the slug she will become without her job to keep her occupied.”

“Our marriage is becoming me, the adult, and her, my child. This trust has been the world’s craziest blessing but also the biggest curse. I’m about to lose my mind, and IDK what to do.”

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