
Archaeologists In Mexico Unearthed An Ancient Funeral Urn Depicting A Mayan Corn Deity That Dates Back To The Classic Era

Aside from the owl, the second vessel is ornamented with a replication of the thorns of a ceiba tree, which was regarded by the ancient Maya as a sacred symbol of the universe, signifying the communication route between the three levels of earth.

Experts from the INAH state that similar images of the corn deity have been discovered in sculptures from Jaina, a Mexican island off the coast of the Yucatán Gulf.

The island was once a necropolis for elite members of society and contains more than 20,000 graves. So far, only 1,000 have been excavated.

Within Section 7 of the Maya Train, where the funerary urn was located, over 125,880 ceramic fragments, 27,941 structures, and 141 human burials have been revealed.

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