
After Developing A Rare Disorder That Caused Her Appearance To Drastically Change, She Became Known As The Ugliest Woman In The World And Made Ends Meet As A Sideshow Performer On Coney Island

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Can you imagine being called “The Ugliest Woman In The World?” Mary Ann Bevan was an Englishwoman who once held that title, and instead of hiding from the world, she learned to embrace it in order to make a living.

Mary was born into a large family in London in 1874, and while growing up, she was a typical girl with a normal appearance. She got a job as a nurse and married a farmer from Kent named Thomas Bevan in 1903.

Mary and Thomas had four children and lived happily together until Thomas sadly died in 1914, leaving Mary as a struggling single mother.

Not long after Thomas passed away, things became even more chaotic for Mary because her body started showing signs of a disorder known as acromegaly.

Acromegaly causes an overproduction of growth hormones in the body, which can lead to drastic changes in appearance.

Today, medical professionals have formulated various treatment plans to help those suffering from acromegaly.

But when Mary developed the rare disorder, she was practically helpless and had to deal with her changing body on her own.

Mary’s body became disproportionate, and her face became much larger and more masculine-looking.

She was quickly judged by a harsh society that began seeing her as ugly, and her shifting appearance made it harder for her to find jobs to support herself and her children.

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