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About 500 Ancient Tombs From Various Dynasties Were Discovered Under A Zoo In China

Emily Chan

The Eastern Jin Dynasty tomb was about 33 feet long. For being over 1,700 years old, it was in excellent condition.

It showed no signs of major damage except for a hole above the main sealing door, which was likely made by a looter. According to experts, it is the largest and most well-preserved tomb from that era in Guangzhou.

The Southern Dynasty tomb was smaller and meant for a married couple. It was also looted, but most of the structure is still intact.

In addition, the researchers found 48 gravestones. They all came from the period of the Republic of China.

A pattern emerged in the orientation and scale of the tombs, particularly within the Ming and Qing Dynasty burial chambers.

They were arranged with specific gaps between each tomb. The organization method suggested that a lot of care and planning were put into a cemetery location, and it would last a significant amount of time.

The Guangzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology is offering educational tours to zoo visitors so they can learn more about the country’s history.

As the archaeologists continue to analyze the tombs and artifacts, they hope to gain more information about the burial practices and social customs of ancient China.

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Emily Chan

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