Categories: Romance

A Guy Declined To Go On A Date With Her After She Was Rude To Her College Roommate

Bre Avery Zacharski

Ever since, she has hardly seen her roommate in their room, and her roommate usually sleeps somewhere else.

Initially, she wasn’t bothered because her roommate didn’t make it into an enormous deal or anything; she simply made herself scarce.

But then yesterday, she asked out one of the guys in her class. He’s kind and adorable, and they talk a ton during class time.

She’s invested in pursuing something with him, but when she asked if he would like to go out on a date, he turned her down.

“He rejected the offer (politely) and said one of the reasons was that 1) He wasn’t interested and 2) He heard I was a generally rude person to [my roommate],” she added.

“I texted my roommate to ask why she was talking about me being rude. She said she was just talking to her friends about something that made her upset.”

“However, I know for a fact she isn’t friends with the guy in my class, as he mentioned he heard from someone neither of us knew.”

She’s irritated about being turned down for a date and wondering if perhaps she does owe her roommate an apology.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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