
A Guy Declined To Go On A Date With Her After She Was Rude To Her College Roommate

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl admits that people have certainly called her rude before, and that’s most likely because she says whatever she thinks without first considering if it’s hurtful.

She’s done a better job lately of not speaking before thinking, and this year, she got into the college of her dreams.

She grew up pretty poor and has had to get scholarships and various awards in order to make college work.

She does have student loans, too, so she can afford the tuition she has to pay post-scholarship money.

When she got assigned her college roommate, she didn’t try to select anyone in particular and allowed herself to be paired up with a stranger. Her roommate couldn’t be more different from her, and living together is hardly going well.

“She comes from a highly rich, well-to-do family,” she explained. “She honestly acts like a brat. I’ve constantly seen her lock down or hide her expensive jewelry as if she believes I will steal it.”

“She constantly talks about how she misses her home, the amenities, and the people. For the first week or so, I understood because I was homesick as well. But then into the 3rd and 4th week, I’d walk into the room to see her crying about how tough it is having to do everything by herself.”

“She complains about the cost of Ubers; having to cook and clean herself. By the second month, I’d walked in to see her whine so many times that I finally told her, “Don’t come to college if you aren’t prepared, then. Go back home. You don’t need to whine about it so much when there’s a very simple solution available to you.”

Her roommate absolutely looked upset after she was so mean to her, and then her roommate walked out of their room.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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