
A Bald Eagle Nest In Texas Was Destroyed Last Year, And A $15,000 Reward Is Being Offered For Information Leading To The Conviction Of The Perpetrator

But over the next two centuries, the species’ population experienced a dramatic decline due to widespread extermination.

The birds’ exposure to the pesticide DDT led them to the brink of extinction. When the public learned of the story of their poisoning, calls for their conservation echoed throughout the nation. Thanks to dedicated conservation efforts, bald eagles were able to make a comeback.

In 2007, the bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list. However, federal laws and continued conservation efforts are crucial to help the birds maintain their numbers.

Today, habitat destruction, illegal shooting, and lead poisoning are the biggest threats to bald eagles.

Anyone with information about the nest destruction is urged to contact the Service’s Office of Law Enforcement in Fort Worth, Texas, at (817) 334-5202. Callers with information may remain anonymous.

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