
With These Three Different Ways To Create Summery Compound Butters, You Can Make Your Seasonal Gatherings Sweet, Savory, Or Spicy

Compound Butter #1: Garlic herb butter with lemon zest

This butter goes great with all sorts of different meats and vegetables, making it perfect for a dinner party.

Add your softened butter to a mixing bowl and one teaspoon each of freshly chopped thyme, parsley, and rosemary. You’ll also want to add one finely minced garlic clove, a half teaspoon of lemon zest, and a teaspoon of fine salt.

Using a baking spatula, gently fold the herbs, garlic, and zest into your butter until evenly combined.

You can stop there to have a yummy softened butter, or spread the butter out onto a large piece of parchment paper and fold it until you form a butter mound to your liking, and stick it in the fridge for a few hours until it’s hardened and ready to serve.

Compound Butter #2: Peach Butter

Peaches are currently in season in North America and have one of the best summer fruit flavors out there. This butter will help you make the most of peach season and is great for any sweet treats that need extra flare, like biscuits or banana bread.

Add your softened butter to a mixing bowl with 1/4 cup of finely diced, fresh, ripe peaches. You can keep the skin on or off, depending on your liking. Add a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of light brown sugar, and a teaspoon of fresh orange juice and orange zest.

Gently fold in your ingredients using a spoon or baking spatula, and like the previous butter, serve it softened right away or form it into a butter mound and let it harden in the fridge.

Compound butter #3: Marry Me Chicken Butter

This butter recipe is a bit different from the rest, as it’s based on a popular dish, ‘Marry Me Chicken.’ It’s a savory chicken dish with flavors that can and should be used on more than just chicken. This butter can be served on vegetables, fish, legumes, etc.

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