
These MLB Power Couples And Their Sweet Love Stories Are The Ultimate Home Run

VIAR PRO studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It is still baseball season, which means that many of us are taking the opportunity to learn more about some of our favorite MLB players.

I don’t know about you, but I like to know more about my favorite athletes besides just their basic game statistics information.

It’s fun to learn about a player’s back story, what got them into baseball, and, of course, what their love life is like.

Many MLB players have met their partners and wives in really cute ways, and if you’re a sucker for a good sports star love story, here are a few MLB players’s wives and how their love stories began.

Aaron and Samantha Judge

Many assume that all MLB players date and marry celebrity models as soon as they enter the big leagues, but that isn’t always the case.

This adorable couple have known each other since their high school days!

Yankees star Aaron and his wife Samantha attended the same high school and college and reportedly dated on and off between the two.

Then, in 2021, they made everyone swoon when they officially wed in Hawaii. The high school sweethearts now live in New York City while Aaron works hard as the captain of the New York Yankees.

VIAR PRO studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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