Categories: Weddings

These Game Ideas Are Sure To Keep Your Guests Entertained, Whether You’re Tying The Knot Indoors Or Outside

Chip Chick

Wedding Table Games

You don’t necessarily need to have a ton of space and have your guests play big, elaborate games at your wedding. Rather, you can have fun right at your table!

Mad Libs

Mad Libs are low stakes, silly, and enjoyable with a fellow wedding guest at a table. So many websites can create customizable and personal Mad Libs about the bride and groom, making the game cards cute party favors or scrapbook memories.

Couple’s trivia

One of the easiest ways for wedding guests to get acquainted with each other is to bond over just how well they know the bride and groom.

The DJ can create teams and ask the crowd trivia questions, and perhaps the winners will get a little prize!

Crossword puzzles

Like the Mad Libs, you can create personalized crosswords online, making them about the happy couple and leaving enough copies for each guest on every table. It would also be cute to see how your guests could help each other answer the questions.

Indoor Games

Stuck inside for most of your wedding? That’s okay; you can still find room for indoor games! 

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Chip Chick

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