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The Oldest Surviving Map Of The World Was Created By Ancient Babylonians On A Clay Tablet At Least 2,600 Years Ago

Emily Chan

Parts of the text refer to various mythical creatures and monsters, including a great sea serpent, a winged horse, a bull-man, and a scorpion-man. Animals like deer, gazelle, monkeys, ibex, panthers, wolves, and water buffalo were alluded to as well.

In addition, there was mention of certain people, such as Utnapishtim, king of the ancient city of Shuruppak in southern Iraq, who was said to have survived the great Babylonian flood by building a boat. When the waters subsided, he was blessed with eternal life by the god Ea.

According to Dr. Irving Finkel, an expert at the British Museum, the map is “awesomely vast” and reflects Babylon as the center of the world. You can pay a visit to this historical artifact today.

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Emily Chan

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