
She’s In The Middle Of Planning Her Wedding And Her Fiancé Said He Wants An Open Relationship

Her parents and his parents are helping them pay for their big day, and they agreed upon a number that her fiancé feels comfortable with spending.

“Well, now that we are planning the wedding, he recently brought up the fact that he doesn’t want to feel trapped in the relationship and brought up the idea of exploring being with other people (whether that’s threesomes or open relationships) since we have only been with each other,” she said.

“I am not sure that I want either of those- I have potentially thought about threesomes, but I am nervous about bringing someone else in if this is already how he feels because I don’t want to add more fuel to the fire.”

“We are kind of opposites in the relationship. I am much more of a type A list maker/always doing things, a people pleaser who really hates confrontation and has a hard time opening up/expressing myself. He is much more on the abstract wavelength, free spirit, arts-music/movies/video games, etc.”

After her fiancé admitted to her that he wants an open relationship, he stated he’s unhappy with what they have together since everything goes her way instead of his.

She is into getting everything done and checking things off her list, as well as staying on top of household chores, and he just wishes she would make him and their relationship a bigger priority.

She actually agrees with his position and can acknowledge that she hasn’t been making an actual effort for them recently.

“We have decided we will take a month, both really think about what we want in our relationship and in our lives and then have a talk about how we move forward- wedding or not, break up or not,” she continued.

“We both feel like it seems silly to break up because we have a good time together…we laugh, travel, and like to be around one another. I guess I don’t know what my question is, but I am going crazy thinking back and forth if this is going to work out or not. My brain always defaults to it not working out…like it seems impossible for me to picture a good ending…”

Do you think they should break up for good?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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