
She’s Been Icing Her Sister-In-Law Out For Making Fun Of Her Dungeons And Dragons Themed Wedding, Calling It Childish And Nerdy

“She loudly joked about how childish and ridiculous’ it was for adults to dress up like characters from a game, and even called it ‘a waste’ of a wedding.”

Sadly, all of these comments were made in earshot of her and her husband and got worse from there. She tried brushing them off so she wouldn’t start a scene, but they did hurt her feelings.

Her husband attempted to subtly confront his sister during the reception, but she defended herself, telling him she was joking.

After the wedding, she and her husband stopped speaking to her sister-in-law and began icing her out.

However, about a month after their wedding, she and her husband hosted a dinner party for their immediate families, and they both decided not to invite his sister-in-law, believing she needed a “time out.”

Unfortunately, her sister-in-law found out she wasn’t invited to the dinner and cursed her out in an angry text message. It was especially messy, considering her sister-in-law’s husband was invited to the dinner but not her.

“I told her that my brother-in-law wasn’t disrespectful, and she shouldn’t have been surprised we didn’t want her around after she badmouthed our wedding,” she said.

“I feel really bad for not inviting her, but I don’t want to see her after she made our wedding about herself and her preferences.”

While she wants her sister-in-law to own up to her bad behavior and apologize, she also doesn’t want to cause any more family drama.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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