Categories: Relationships

She’s Allowing Her Loved Ones To Talk Her Out Of Leaving Her Cheating Husband Since She Will Feel Humiliated To Be A Single Mom

Bre Avery Zacharski

“…I would literally have to delete my entire social media because I won’t be able to stand up against the shame after a divorce, and being absent from social media would be easier than facing everyone and having people find out I’m divorced,” she said.

“Everyone will know something is up, and I know this divorce wouldn’t be a secret; it’ll get out, and people are going to make my life a [nightmare] when they find out we’re divorced, so I’m just staying married at this point. To save the embarrassment, and I don’t want to start all over, I think my family and friends do have a point.”

“My friends think I’ll never find a guy like my husband who is a good father and takes care of me, especially at our age, and they constantly praise my husband because he takes [our] kids to doctor appointments and goes to dad events at schools since men don’t do that and those are usually women dominated spaces.”

None of her loved ones view her husband’s cheating as a good enough reason to walk away. They have insisted he still loves her, and only her, and he already has most likely forgotten about the other woman.

Her family members and friends are pushing her to move on. She and her husband have since enrolled in marriage counseling and have been going regularly for the last two months.

Their counselor opened up about infidelity in her own relationship, which did serve to make her feel better, knowing she’s not the only one going through this.

“…But I don’t know if this is the life to live, even if I’ll be unhappier and lonely without him,” she continued.

“It’s also a financial thing. I live in a 50-50 state, so unless he’s a serious, at-risk, dangerous person (which he’s not), I can’t get full custody, so that means I won’t get child support and haven’t been married that long for alimony and I don’t have enough means to survive off my one income.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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