
She Was At Work This Morning When She Discovered Her Husband’s Mistress And Affair Baby

“It was him,” she said. “It was his driver’s license with the photo of him in the Tommy Bahama shirt I bought him for his birthday.”

Her husband knows that she works for WIC, so she couldn’t believe that he wasn’t worried about his mistress calling into the office to get set up with the program.

Honestly, she thinks her husband or his mistress intentionally did this to expose the affair to her.

She wasn’t able to breathe as it dawned on her that her husband not only cheated, but he had an affair baby with this woman.

“The baby is two weeks old,” she explained. “He’s been out of town for three weeks on business, but I’ll bet my whole salary he’s been with her before, during, and after the birth.”

“Bonding with their child. We’ve been trying for three years to have a baby. I’ve had half a year’s worth of miscarriages. We have a healthy [personal] life. We don’t even close the door when we use the bathroom anymore. That’s how married we are.”

She simply feels numb, not even heartbroken. She’s going to get done with work this evening at 5 p.m., and she’s not sure what to do when she leaves the office today.

Her director and coworkers quickly picked up on something being wrong, but she doesn’t want to tell a single soul.

“Our anniversary was last month; I posted this big, mushy thing on FB,” she continued. “I feel like a fool. I wonder if his friends know, or his mom. Am I the only one who doesn’t know?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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