Categories: Relationships

She Wants To Send Her Badly Behaved Foster Child Back, But She Feels So Guilty

Bre Avery Zacharski

L has expressed to her that he dislikes A and wishes he never came to live with them. She has had previous foster children in her home that L adored, but A’s behavior makes it impossible for L to be happy at home.

Her nephews recently came to visit and voiced their opinions to her: that A is obnoxious. While she chastised them for saying negative things about the little boy, inside, she knew they were right, and she couldn’t help but agree with them. That’s leaving her feeling awfully guilty.

“With L, he had similar behaviors at first, but there was a let-up,” she said. “You could put on a movie and talk about things with him. He had a personality that you grew to like and then love. With A, I just can’t see it being the same. He has no personality; he has no interests or likes. I dread coming down to see him each morning.”

“It’s always just “I want…,” “I want…” This is literally all he says…he just says the words “I want” over and over again. He asks to go to the park, I take him to the park, he doesn’t want to be here, he wants to read a book, I read a book, he isn’t interested. He wants to play in the sand, I get the sand out, he doesn’t even look at it. Everything is a battle with him.”

Not only is she in a daily struggle with A, she’s struggling with how his social worker is refusing to make anything easier on her.

She wants to send A back to the agency and terminate his placement with her, but she is wracked with guilt over wanting to do this.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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