Categories: Relationships

She Wants To Leave Her Husband After Finding Out He’s Been Stealing Money From Their Daughter’s Savings Account

Chip Chick

But she didn’t. There was only $5 left in the account.

“After the initial $300 deposit, not a penny had been placed in it,” she explained.

“Not only that, but he had spent everything except $5, and over $150 of that [was spent] at vape stores. I was livid.”

She was shaking with anger when she confronted her partner later, and he denied doing anything wrong.

She felt he had been stealing, and he disagreed. He said he “needed” everything he bought with their daughter’s money.

She was ready to tell him to pack his bags, but he begged her to reconsider and discuss everything with their couple’s therapist.

“Our therapist, a trained professional with an actual degree, not only validated his nicotine addiction but told him not to feel guilty about it,” she recalled.

“She also acted as though the problem wasn’t that he stole the money from our daughter but that he didn’t inform me when he did it.”

With newfound confidence after their therapist backed him up, her partner told her she could take care of the bills from now on and acted as if nothing happened a few days later. While her partner and relatives are telling her to let this go, she’s still so angry and feels like she can’t.

Should she let go of the situation, or is she right to be mad?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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