
She Wants To Leave Her Husband After Finding Out He’s Been Stealing Money From Their Daughter’s Savings Account

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you have a child, it’s not uncommon to want to set aside as much money as possible for them so they have a safety net.

A woman is furious with her partner after finding out he spent the majority of the money he was supposed to deposit into a savings account for their infant daughter.

She and her husband are in their early 20s and became parents to a baby girl not long ago.

Because the cost of living in their area is so high, they’re living with her mom and aunt.

“Right after our baby was born, my mother gave my partner $300 to put in a dedicated account for our daughter so that she could start her savings,” she said.

“He opened the account and told me he was putting $250 per paycheck into the account as well.”

She was surprised and even told her partner he shouldn’t put that much into the account at once so he could have some for himself.

Unfortunately, she didn’t realize her partner’s selflessness was a sham.

She was finally given access to the account after her partner kept it to himself for a while, and when she took a look at the funds, she thought she’d see a good hunk of money.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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