She Wants To Break Up With Her Boyfriend After He Did Nothing To Celebrate Her Birthday Aside From Send Her A Text

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

As a lover of birthdays, I’ve found that one of the worst things someone you love can do is forget about your birthday or worse, they know about it but don’t celebrate it in any way.

A woman is ready to break up with her boyfriend after he didn’t do anything to celebrate her birthday except send her a cold text in the morning.

She is 29 and has been with her 33-year-old boyfriend for a year.

They live separately and are often busy, having children from previous relationships and working full-time.

She is in nursing school on top of her job, and her boyfriend works full-time hours while sharing custody of his two children with his ex.

Because of their hectic schedules, they sometimes have difficulty bonding as a couple and will get into arguments, mostly due to stress.

Her boyfriend is in therapy to work on processing his emotions, and she is trying to learn to stand up for herself whenever he has emotional outbursts.

While she was able to get through several conflicts with her boyfriend, their most recent one has her convinced the relationship is over.

She recently celebrated a birthday, but unfortunately, the day was hardly celebratory.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Last year, her birthday came about two weeks after she first started dating her boyfriend, and he didn’t do much for her, but she chalked it up to them being a new couple.

“It didn’t feel great that he forgot about it, but I got over it,” she said.

“This year, he chose not to do anything but send me a ‘happy birthday’ text in the morning.”

She figured her boyfriend wouldn’t be doing anything super special for her birthday this year, especially since he knew her daughter wasn’t feeling well.

However, he chose not to do anything but send her that text. They didn’t spend the day together; he never stopped by her place and didn’t send her a birthday gift.

“I do not have any family [or] many friends, so his not doing anything hurt more than it would have if I had others around me to make this day a big deal,” she explained.

“I’m not materialistic at all and didn’t expect him to buy me anything. I just would’ve appreciated a [thoughtful] gesture or anything, really.”

A few days after her birthday, she was still very upset with her boyfriend, and he eventually caught on.

Instead of apologizing to her and asking how he could make things right, her boyfriend simply left a few snacks and a carrot cake, which she hates, on her doorstep one day.

After that, she was still very mad and told her boyfriend she would need some space.

He then accused her of being unfair and materialistic, which was the last straw, and convinced her it was probably time to end the relationship.

“I’ve spent a year pouring [love] into him and his family, waiting for him to emotionally mature without asking for anything in return,” she added.

“He couldn’t even be bothered to write me a card or pick up [some] flowers.”

Do you think she should break up with him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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