
She Stopped Making Her Husband Lunch Because His Work Wife Kept Bringing Him Food, So He Called Her Petty

Plus, ever since that first incident, the same thing has been happening every day – with her husband eating his “work wife’s” food instead of the lunch she prepares him. And it’s starting to get super frustrating.

That’s why, just yesterday, she finally decided that she was finished and opted to stop making her husband lunch altogether.

Then, when her husband walked downstairs in the morning and asked where his lunch was, she claimed that she was no longer making him any since the food was going to waste anyway.

This caused a big argument between them, too, and her husband kept accusing her of acting petty over a “little thing.”

“I tried to discuss how I felt, and he went over it,” she vented.

So now, in the wake of their fight, she’s not sure if refusing to make any more lunches for her husband after his work wife kept making him food was justified or not.

How would you feel if your spouse had someone at work who behaved toward them like that? Do you think her husband is being disrespectful?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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