
She Spent All Weekend Feeling Hurt After Her Boyfriend Refused To Let Her Attend A Wedding With Him

She said that she knew he was lying about the wedding and that he never booked a plane ticket to go.

Her boyfriend argued back that he was going to get around to buying a ticket (but he actually ended up driving to the wedding this past weekend).

Finally, her boyfriend revealed to her the real reason why he wanted her to stay home while he attended the wedding.

Apparently, he felt he had a ton of responsibilities as the best man, and he wanted to fly solo so he could enjoy the evening with his friends alone since he felt they won’t have many more moments like that in the future.

“It was a whole weekend event, and he said it would be weird for me to be there basically. I accepted this and told him I would have understood that from the beginning, and I only felt uneasy now because he felt the need to lie,” she said.

“I thought I could handle it, but I felt so hurt this weekend. He kept calling me and telling me about everyone and their partners, and I just find it a little strange that it wasn’t “weird” for them to have their SO present.”

“I’m gutted, and I’m not sure why he did this or what it means. I don’t think he was cheating or going with anyone else; he did a pretty good job of staying in touch, and yes, I left him alone and let him enjoy the night with his friends. I let him text me when he wanted to and he didn’t call at all, which I didn’t make a fuss over. It just hurts really bad to think he simply didn’t want me there. Thoughts?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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