
She Refused To Get A Tattoo Of Her Boyfriend’s Name, And He Took It To Mean She Doesn’t Love Him As Much As He Loves Her

“I just feel like it’s a stretch. And you never know what could happen in the future. It’s just a waste of money if we end up breaking up,” she admitted.

After that, her boyfriend pointed out how his parents are still happily married and have tattoos of each other’s names.

Nonetheless, nothing he could say would change her mind. She simply thinks getting her boyfriend’s name inked on her body would be going too far.

“I respect anyone who chooses that path, but I can’t do it,” she vented.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend didn’t take that very well, either. He took her refusal to mean that they would break up soon because she just doesn’t love him as much as he loves her. But she claims that’s completely untrue.

“I just don’t want something to be stuck on me when that person I thought I’d love forever turns out to be the one I no longer love,” she reasoned.

Still, with her boyfriend so upset over this, she’s unsure if not wanting to get a tattoo of her boyfriend’s name is valid or not.

Do you agree that getting a tattoo of someone else’s name is risky? Would you ever do it? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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