
She Quit Her Banking Job To Travel The Country In An RV With Her Husband And Their Schnoodle Named Lucas

Anna Averianova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

Have you ever been tempted to ditch your 9-to-5 job so you can leave behind your mundane routine and travel the world?

Many people have that temptation, as sometimes, we get so caught up in grinding that we aren’t able to do all the exploring and adventuring we’ve wished to.

A woman from Florida was feeling the same way, and she decided to quit her banking job to travel the U.S. alongside her husband and her precious pup.

Since then, she’s been documenting their adventures on social media, and they’ve gone viral.

Luisa Carrion and her husband, Eddie, got married when they were teenagers and worked very hard from that point onward. They have a son who is now an adult dwelling in Seattle, and Luisa previously worked at a bank in Melbourne, Florida.

Last summer, Luisa and Eddie came to the realization that they had been working and hustling non-stop since they tied the knot, worrying about work and paying the bills, not having as much time to travel as they’d like.

Wanting to see the world, Luisa left her bank position, acquired an RV, and began driving all around the country to visit some of America’s most beautiful destinations with Eddie.

There is one more passenger – their four-year-old Schnoodle, Lucas. 

Lucas has happily joined Luisa and Eddie on a ton of hikes across the country and has been an adorable companion for his mom and dad. 

Anna Averianova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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