
She Picked Her Sister To Be Her Maid Of Honor Over Her Best Friend Of Ten Years, And Now Her Friend Has Blocked Her On Social Media

Afterward, she claimed that she wanted Maya to be a bridesmaid instead but thought traveling back and forth – three hours each way – would take up too much of her time.

Well, all her friend had to say was “okay” before they ended their phone call.

Since then, Maya’s husband has actually sent her an angry text, accusing her of being a bad friend.

“I told my fiancé, and he said it made sense because I’m closer to my sister. But when I call Maya, she doesn’t answer, and I’m blocked on her social media,” she vented.

Now, their fallout has left her wondering if not picking her best friend to be her Maid of Honor was justified or if it was a really jerky move.

Is she entitled to choose whoever she wants to be her Maid of Honor? Can you understand why her best friend is hurt, or do you think her friend is overreacting?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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