
She No Longer Wants A Relationship With Her In-Laws Because They View Her Husband As A Cash Cow And Expect Him To Finance Their Lifestyle

“[My husband’s] mother is even worse at the moment, as she knows that we are all struggling, and she’s asking my husband to finance her holidays that she plans to take in a couple of months,” she added.

“I had an argument with my husband last night about this, and I told him that his parents think that he is a cash cow and will just give them all the money they want.”

She told her husband she no longer wishes to have a relationship with her parents because she believes the way they ask him for money isn’t healthy.

Then, she informed him that if she noticed any money missing from their savings account, there would be “severe consequences.”

Her husband seemed to agree with her up until she threatened some kind of consequence regarding their savings, and now he’s upset with her.

Should she not have threatened her husband, or did she need to do it?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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