
She Just Turned 18, And Her Aunt Embarrassed Her By Giving Her Money To Join Weight Watchers As A Present

“This was humiliating, and I asked her about it, and she said that she could tell I was miserable and that I probably look really good underneath the fat. She said this in front of my parents, and it was very embarrassing.”

“I told her I’m not accepting the gift, and she’s making me look stupid, but she said that she was just worried for me and my health. I don’t believe this, she’s made fun of my weight for years even before I was a teenager. But my parents think I was overreacting, and I should’ve just accepted it.”

Her mom and dad are concerned that her aunt is going to cause drama in their family over her refusal to accept the gift, and that’s what’s most upsetting to them.

She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her not to accept her aunt’s gift, given how upset her mom and dad are about it.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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