Categories: Relationships

She Ghosted Her Best Friend Of 24 Years Because She Seemed To Be Trying To Take Out A Loan In Her Name

Chip Chick

When the gift excuse didn’t work, her friend said she wanted to list her as her emergency contact at her office and required her updated information.

Knowing that was probably a lie, she gave her friend the address to her parent’s house as a compromise because they were still in the same state. Her friend became angry, asking her why she was questioning her intentions and didn’t trust her.

She didn’t want to bring up the false loan application, as she didn’t have any concrete evidence that her friend was definitely behind it, but that also didn’t mean she was ready to give her any more details on her finances or life in general.

“I have basically ghosted her since,” she explained.

“She has texted my other friends, [gone] to my parents’ house, called the police in my town on a welfare check, [and] had other people reach out to me. I have responded to her, [saying] that I am safe and fine, but that I don’t trust [her], so we aren’t friends anymore.”

Her friend’s husband has been reaching out a few times during the last few days, pleading with her to get back in touch with his wife, but she refuses to. 

Should she ask her friend if she tried applying for a loan in her name or continue to ghost her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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