
She Found Out Her Husband Planted Spy Gear Under Her Bed And Has Been Listening In On Her For 14 Years While He Traveled Abroad For Work, So She Wants To Leave Him

“That whenever I called to tell him how much I missed him, and when I cried the night before he was gone for months, and when I was the happiest woman on Earth the day he came home, he didn’t believe any of this because he thought I was with other men,” she said.

Since finding out about her husband’s spying, she has confided in her mother about the betrayal. Yet, to her surprise, her mom actually didn’t see anything wrong with his actions.

Her mother claimed that since she’s an attractive woman, other men tend to notice her, and her husband realizes that. So, her mom believes it’s only “normal” for her husband to become paranoid.

“But for me, my skin crawls every time I think about whenever I thought I was alone, but he was listening,” she admitted.

She also can’t get over how, after years of listening to nothing but her snoring alone in her bedroom, her husband continued spying on her anyway.

“Wasn’t that enough to trust me?” she vented.

That’s why she now wants to leave her husband and their marriage behind. However, no one else in her life is on her side, and she doesn’t know if calling it quits would really be the wrong thing to do here.

Is there any circumstance where planting spy gear would be understandable, or is her husband undeniably in the wrong? Would you be able to stay with your partner after this? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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