
She Fell Out Of Love With Her Disabled Boyfriend After He Became Rude, And She Feels Terrible For Wanting To Dump Him

Her boyfriend is no longer able to have a physical relationship with her, which deeply hurts him. She tried to tell him it was not a problem for her, but he just didn’t believe her words.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend is only growing more bitter. He will throw things at her and insist she leave his room.

He ignores her to no end, and if he’s not preoccupied with that, he’s busy insulting her. He’s also started throwing food she gives him on the floor like he’s a toddler.

He’s an emotional bully, and she would be lying if she told you she still harbors any love for him.

She’s been proud to be a shoulder for her boyfriend to lean on, especially since she has come across countless stories of people who recover from severe injuries with intense rounds of physical therapy.

She truly thought her boyfriend would be able to regain some or all of his independence if he put in enough effort.

“I believe that miracles exist, and the human body is a fascinating thing; maybe he’d be able to walk again; he just needed a lot of work and faith in himself. But he became so nasty, rude, hurtful that…I [don’t know]; I think I just fell out of love with him,” she added.

“I approached his mum and told her that I feel like I probably don’t love him anymore because he’s been so hurtful towards me for 2+ years now, and I just can’t endure it anymore. I don’t deserve this. His mum immediately got defensive, saying that he’s suffered a great psychological trauma after the accident and it’s normal for him to be so depressed.”

She can sympathize with her boyfriend coming from that position, but that doesn’t give him a free pass to hurt those who are trying their best to be there for him in his time of need.

Her boyfriend’s mom asked her to remain in a relationship with him, citing that he does need to have her support at this time.

But her boyfriend’s behavior is saying the opposite to her: he doesn’t need or want her in the least.

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