
She Called Her Widowed Sister-In-Law An Unfit Mother For Neglecting Her Niece And Nephew After Her Brother Passed Away Eight Months Ago

Things came to a head when, last week, she stopped by Emily’s house to look in on everyone and walked into a disaster.

“Jake was crying in his crib with a dirty diaper, and Lily was sitting on the couch with an empty expression, staring at the TV,” she recalled.

“Emily was nowhere to be found. After searching the house, I found her locked in the bathroom, scrolling through social media. I lost it [and] banged on the door and demanded she come out and take care of her kids.” 

When Emily emerged, she looked at her like she was crazy, which made her angrier. She went off on Emily, telling her she needed to get her act together for their kids, as they couldn’t lose their mother in addition to their father.

Emily began crying, telling her she couldn’t understand what she was going through, and she said she did, but she still needed her to take care of the kids. Emily became more upset, accusing her of judging her and telling her she had no right to tell her how to live her life.

“We ended up in a screaming match, with me calling her neglectful and unfit and her telling me to leave and never come back,” she explained.

“I left in tears and haven’t spoken to her since. Now, some family members are saying I was too harsh and that Emily needs support, not criticism.”

Some other relatives agreed that Emily needed a wake-up call, but for the most part, she’s getting a lot of backlash for her outburst.

She didn’t enjoy yelling at her grieving sister-in-law, but she cares about her niece and nephew and doesn’t want them to suffer any further.

Was she too harsh with Emily?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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