
In 1939, She Became The Youngest Mom In The World At 5-Years-Old

Lina’s father, Tiburelo, who worked as a local silversmith, was briefly arrested for impregnating his child.

However, there was no evidence that he committed the crime, so the charges against him were dropped. Tiburelo also denied ever assaulting his daughter.

Once news of Lina’s pregnancy spread, newspapers in Peru tried to contact the family for interviews, offering them thousands of dollars for a story. The family was even invited to the United States, but they declined to speak publicly.

Some people have speculated that Lina and her family made up the whole pregnancy, but since they have never once spoken up about it, that theory seems highly unlikely. Additionally, there are medical records that prove the event really did happen.

After Lina gave birth to her son, Gerardo, they went back to her family’s home. It was said that Lina preferred to play with dolls rather than her child.

She also viewed him as a younger brother. Gerardo found out the truth when he was around 10. While Gerardo was healthy for most of his life, he ended up dying at age 40 in 1979 due to bone disease.

For the rest of her life, Lina stayed out of the public eye. It is unclear whether she is still alive today, but if she is, she would be in her late eighties.

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