
His Wife Went To A Bachelorette Party And Made Out With Her Best Friend, So He’s Left Feeling Hurt

Yuliya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Doing something physical with another person when you’re married is a huge no-no. But does it make things better when your husband or wife does something with someone of the same gender?

For this 36-year-old man, whose 32-year-old wife made out with her female best friend at a bachelorette party, it’s not helping things.

He’s spent the last six years married to his wife, and they have one small child. Not that long ago, his wife attended a bachelorette party, which turned into quite the mess.

“From what she told me, it was a wild night with lots of drinking, dancing, and games,” he explained.

“After she came home, she was upfront and admitted that during one of the drinking games, she ended up making out with one of her female friends. Here’s the thing: it wasn’t just a quick peck or dare.”

“She told me it lasted a while—long enough that it was more than just a passing joke. According to her, everyone was in a playful mood, and it was all part of the “party vibe.” She insists it was just a bit of harmless fun and that it didn’t mean anything romantic…she says it was the kind of thing that happened in the moment and was meant to be a laugh for the group.”

While he appreciates his wife being honest, that doesn’t make it hurt any less. His wife did tell him what she did as soon as she came home, so he can respect the fact that she didn’t try to make it a secret.

His wife promises that the kiss was just some of the insanity that came along with the party; it’s not like she’s harboring feelings for her best friend.

However, he can’t move on that quickly. He wishes he could sit here and say it was just his wife having fun and letting loose, but he can’t.

Yuliya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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