
His Wife Suggested They Separate If He’s No Longer Going To Financially Support Her, But She’s Been Taking Advantage Of Him For Years

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Some of the most toxic relationships are when people give their all, emotionally and financially, to someone else while that other person continues to take and give nothing back.

A man recently had to refuse to support his wife financially after years of her taking advantage of him and not being there for him.

He’s 50 and has been married to his 43-year-old wife for a little over a year, though they’ve been together for seven years in total.

They don’t have any kids and have had a fairly decent relationship until things more recently started going south.

While he and his wife weren’t thick as thieves, they always got along and had a great love life. Although his wife used to make six figures, she moved into his house, and he paid for most of their outings and vacations.

However, he didn’t mind this, as his wife continued paying for her things outside their relationship, like her clothes and more.

But after they married, his wife decided to go through a major lifestyle change and quit her job. Not long after, he suffered an injury on vacation and had to have major surgery and stay in the hospital for six weeks.

His medical issue impacted their love life, and his wife has since become colder.

“A few months after that, I had pretty much recovered, [but then] my mother passed away,” he said.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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